↳ https://criticalengineering.org/projects/vending-private-network/ ( site )
↳ https://julianoliver.com/projects/vending-private-network/ ( JOliver )
Sur le site de Julian Oliver :
The VPNs are located in the following locations. They were created, and are solely administered, by the Critical Engineering Working Group.
Vending Private Network takes the form of a condom vending machine, such as those typically seen in public toilets, nightclubs and bars. Equipped with mechanical buttons, a coin-slot and USB ports, it offers 4 VPN routes, each with an animated graphic depicting the route as a fantasy destination.
Audiences are invited to insert a USB stick into the slot, a coin (1 pound or euro) into the machine, and to select a VPN destination by pressing a mechanical button. In doing so, a unique VPN configuration file is then written to the USB stick.
J'avais découvert cette proposition via la présentation de Danja Vasiliev : Dark Internet Topologies : https://vimeo.com/328444267
dans laquelle l'artiste explicite via des outils réseau la simplicité technique permettant de tracer une connexion...