A Live Mail Art Piece where a parcel containing a camera is sent to Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian through the Royal Mail. " 2013
«Delivery for Mr. Assange» is a 32-hour live mail art piece performed on 16 and 17 January 2013. On 16 January 2013 !Mediengruppe Bitnik posted a parcel addressed to Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The parcel contained a camera which documented its journey through the Royal Mail postal system through a hole in the parcel. The images captured by the camera were transferred to this website and the Bitnk Twitter account in realtime. So, as the parcel was slowly making its way towards the Ecuadorian embassy in London, anyone online could follow the parcel's status in realtime. '
exposition #Exposing_the_invisible #thématique_revue
exposition #@The_Black_Chamber ::
Opera Calling / Delivery for Mr. Assange / Random Darknet Shopper ...
https://vimeo.com/157831003 ( #processus.créa.art #<3 )
[ 41:50 ] Black --> Equador
exposition @The_Influencers (exposé long, plusieurs pièces) :
https://vimeo.com/147480984 #2015
Vidéo présentation Aaron Swartz
Delivery for Mr. Rajab
Une seconde version (2013)
↳ https://web.archive.org/web/20160414212950/http://rajab.bitnik.org/
( + de détail )
↳ https://web.archive.org/web/20160314111947/http://rajab.bitnik.org/status.html
↳ https://web.archive.org/web/20160314111801/http://rajab.bitnik.org/screenshots.html